Everyone  has a role to play; which best suits you?

Icon of hand holding hearts

Give a donation.

Become a monthly partner or give a one-time financial gift.

Icon of a handshake and briefcase

Offer a resource.

Can your business or organization contribute to the mission? Let’s talk.

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Share the mission.

Follow along to learn and share what is taking our community by storm.

African American man holding a notebook looking at the camera, with colleagues in the background.

Offer a resource.

Part of the reason 24/7 BLAC has seen significant success in a short amount of time is because of the vast network of business owners and community influencers who have stepped up to make connections and further the mission.

If you’re motivated by the movement and have an idea to help (or simply a willingness to help), reach out! We’d love to brainstorm together.

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